Check out this true story about how Robbie used LinkedIn for Sales and landed a big-time opportunity.
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Barry Deutsch
onto Leveraging LinkedIn for Success August 14, 2013 1:14 AM
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Anne Egros's comment,
June 17, 2013 9:48 AM
David, you are right in the virtual world and in curating in particular you can see clearly the people who support you by quoting or sharing your sources rather than just go to the article and take credit for discovering it :-) Thanks David for being supportive !
Anne Egros's curator insight,
June 17, 2013 9:55 AM
I think I am a generous person but I am fed up with people sending me canned linkedin messages. I need to know why people want to connect with me and take the effort to articulate it in a personalized message. |
Do your sales professionals leverage LinkedIn to the degree Robbie does in this case study. How much money are they leaving on the table by simply accepting rejection at one level - and not pursuing the contacts, relationships, and referrals that can lead then to opportunities?
Are you rigorously training your sales team in how to leverage LinkedIn on every key sales opportunity? Perhaps, the investment of time and resources doesn't make sense when the size of the deal is sub-$5000. What if it's $10, $100k, or $500k as in Robbie's example?
Where is your pain point around the number of signifcant transactions you didn't get because the door initially got slammed in your face. If all you focus on are the easy opportunities, it's hard to be in the top 10% of success. LinkedIn now provides the tools for your sales team to after the seemingly impossible opportunities by leveraging the natural networks of your connections.
Here's my key question: It's not whether your team will be using LinkedIn as a core tool - it's when are you going to start?
Barry Deutsch
Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media
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