Leveraging LinkedIn for Success
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Leveraging LinkedIn for Success
LinkedIn offers a set of simple, easy, and inexpensive tools for sales lead generation and nurturing
Curated by Barry Deutsch
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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 29, 2013 2:59 PM

Leveraging LinkedIn for Success: The Value of a Great Company Page

Leveraging LinkedIn for Success: The Value of a Great Company Page | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Have you continued to ignore the advice for building and improving your LinkedIn Company Page. The vast majority of companies I look at have a pathetic presence on-line, especially in Leveraging LinkedIn for marketing, sales, and recruiting.

Your LinkedIn Company page is a powerful tool is this process. How long will you continue to ignore this simple tool as part of our overall marketing tactics?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media


Join our private blog for Vistage/TEC Members on HOW TO Leverage Social Media




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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 28, 2013 6:29 PM

Are You As a Chair Asking for Testimonials From Your Members?

Getting referrals is not only simple, it is inexpensive and the lead closing rate is at least six times better. Yet very few business owners or sales people actually ask for referrals or testimonials.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Nick Baldock talks about how to ask for testimonials in his blog article. - good reminder that you should "always be asking" for testimonials.

One of the key elements of building an effective Chair profile that we work on in my Chair LinkedIn Coaching Program is the importance of testimonials from existing members.

Is there any reason why your member (if they are on LinkedIn) would write a glowing testimonal of the value they've gotten from their vistage membership under your Chair leadership?

People finding you on Google and LinkedIn want "proof" that others have received value from you - particularly when many new members can pick and choose who they would like to be their chair.

Have you made this a goal: Get all current members on LinkedIn to write a lengthy, deep, and specific testimonial for you as a Chair?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs


Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 11, 2013 11:39 PM

How to Communicate on LinkedIn

How to Communicate on LinkedIn | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
How do you communicate on LinkedIn?
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Viveka Von Rosen, a well known expert on leveraging LinkedIn, described in a recent blog post some ideas for communicating on LinkedIn. Are you using any these tactics with your network. Do you set aside a few minutes each day to do "network communication or engagement?".

I recommend having a plan or calendar of what you're going to do each day of the week for 15-20 minutes a day to communicate with your network on LinkedIn. Creating this calendar will help focus on what is the most important thing you could be doing and allows to develop a "strategy" for using LinkedIn.

Do you have a written plan or calendar of how you spend your time on LinkedIn - or do you use LinkedIn similar to reading your Facebook feed or tweets?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching how to drive Sales Through Social Media


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 22, 2013 6:50 PM

What LinkedIn Endorsements Mean To Intangible Value

What LinkedIn Endorsements Mean To Intangible Value | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
skills. Hmm, I said, don’t think an endorsement from your mother is all that valuable. He said that he wasn’t sure he liked this endorsement thing anyway. I
Barry Deutsch's insight:

I've been trying to get my arms around the value of LinkedIn endorsements for a while now and this blog post summed up the perspective on the value of people endorsing your skills.

Imagine this being used by your network for "social proof" to indicate what they think of our ceo coaching, leadership, facilitation skills.

Have you asked your network to endorse you around specific skills?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs


Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 6, 2013 7:44 PM

You Have the Ability to be a LinkedIn Rock Star

LinkedIn is the gold standard for online professional networking.  The social network is a great place for individuals, companies and organizations to network with industry contacts,  Be-a-LinkedIn-Rockstar-social-media-marketing make new...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

One of the statements that stood out for me in this article was:

LinkedIn offers an ideal platform to position yourself as an industry thought leader.  People want to connect and work with experts in their fields.

What do you do on LinkedIn to establish yourself as the industry thought leader, expert, go-to resource?

In your local community, be it Phoenix, Boulder, or Lexington, do you actively generate the type of content (sharing information, connecting people, answering questions, being helpful) that puts you at the forefront of your prospects' thoughts when they go searching for information?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs


Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 26, 2012 11:47 AM

61 percent say LinkedIn is their go-to social networking tool | Articles | Social Media

61 percent say LinkedIn is their go-to social networking tool | Articles | Social Media | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
The professional social networking site is 187 million members strong, and there’s a lot going on, according to this infographic.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Very interesting statistics presented in a useful infographic about LinkedIn. From a business perspective, this could be a goldmine for recruiting great talent and generating leads for sales opportunities.

Are you maximizing this primary social media tool for connecting with professionals? Do you have a strategy for your staff, HR, executive team to leverage these very powerful tools that could improve your talent mix and drive additional sales?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media


Join our private blog for Vistage/TEC Members on HOW TO Leverage Social Media




Not a Vistage or TEC Member, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media




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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 24, 2012 8:50 PM

How to use weak ties to form a strong network - Jamaica Gleaner

How to use weak ties to form a strong network - Jamaica Gleaner | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Jamaica Gleaner How to use weak ties to form a strong network Jamaica Gleaner Popular social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are all important websites to use in building a professional presence, but a more direct benefit can be...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Two great ideas in this article.

First the author refers to the outstanding HBS article on networking about "weak ties". In my social media consulting and coaching for sales professionals, speakers, consultants, coaches, and personal service firms, I constantly get the question of why would I engage and connect with people I don't know.

The author on this article does a much better job articulating this point and it's stupidity than I could ever explain.

The second issue the author mentions is the idea of "swarming". How to leverage your strong and weak connections to get in front of a "target". Why do so many people insist on the worthless activity of cold-calling when your existing connections can most likely put you in front of the person you want to speak with?

Here's an example from my executive search practice: Within 24-48 hours of taking on a new search, I can identify through a few tools like LinkedIn and Jigsaw over 80% of the "target" candidates on a search. The next step is leveraging my "large" network to help me get in front of those candidates.

In my 25 year executive search career, over 99% of all my business and placements have come from referrals. It's the rare event, when I closed a piece of business based on a cold call to a CEO or executive candidate.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs


Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 18, 2012 12:40 PM

Speed Up Your Sales With Social Selling

Speed Up Your Sales With Social Selling | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

A fairly basic article on some of the primary elements of starting to put your toe in the water regarding social selling and marketing. If you're not doing these basics, maybe it's time to start small and over time build up your strategy.

If you wait until you have all the information, tactics, and strategies, you might just miss the train pulling out of the station. Start small and build up your mastery/expertise around social selling over time.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 7, 2012 10:58 PM

The New SEO Rules in a Content Marketing World

The New SEO Rules in a Content Marketing World | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Five years ago, SEO was all the buzz. Today, it has shifted to "content marketing," which aims to create stories humans want to read and engage with.

Good graphic illustrating the evolving importance of content marekting in SEO and Google Search. Also, the fact that it's from the founder of my favorite content curation site is a big plus.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 19, 2012 10:36 PM

Why is it imperative to be active on LinkedIn to boost engagement

Why is it imperative to be active on LinkedIn to boost engagement | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it

The key point of this article is not to be on LinkedIn - it's to be active. Just signing up for social media sites like LInkedIn, and building a mediocre profile (99% of all profiles), then hoping since you built it - they will come - represents wishful thinking.

To gain any benefit from social media, especially LinkedIn, you've got to be an active force. Being passive is worthless - you might as well not even be on-line.

The problem is Do you know what to do to be active? Do you have a plan? Do you have goals or objectives of what you want from your time investment on-line? If not, doesn't it feel like you're stumbling around in the dark?

When will you make the committment to get serious about understanding how to use social media like LInkedIn to help accomplish your goals and objectives? When is it time for a check-up from the neck up as the great Zig Ziglar used to say.

Are you leveraging all the tools you can to be more effective right now - or are you stuck in a 1970s timewarp of doing it like you've always done it - tracking people in excel or with hand-written notes, index cards, little information about your prospects, and almost no interaction on a frequent basis.

This might have worked 10 years ago, but the landscape has changed. Don't you worry about being left behind - missing the train or going the way of the dinosaurs?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs

Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 9, 2012 2:51 AM

I’m On LinkedIn – Now What??? » Blog Archive » LinkedIn 500 Club (??): Why one person says you should have 500+ Connections

I’m On LinkedIn – Now What??? » Blog Archive » LinkedIn 500 Club (??): Why one person says you should have 500+ Connections | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it

Jason Alba, author of "I'm On LinkedIn, Now What' wrote a blog post raising the question of how large should your network be - perhaps more importantly - can someone infer things about you based on the size of your network?

Here is my comments to Jason's Blog Post on the number of LinkedIn Connections:

Here's a question from my perspective as a recruiter. Let's say I'm recruiting a high level sales professional in the $150k-$200k level.

Should I hold it against that person that they've got a small to mediocre network on LinkedIn and a very average non-complete profile.

Can I draw the conclusion they are a poor networker? Perhaps, the issue is that they are too "old-school" in their sales approach? Or maybe they are just not technologically savvy and fear things like LinkedIn?

What conclusions should I draw? How is different today than 2 years ago? What will be the standard 2 years from now.

These are the questions my clients who are sales executives and CEOs are asking me?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors

Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?

If you're a Vistage/TEC Speaker - Consultant - Coach - Trusted Advisor, join our LInkedIn Discussion Group to learn how to find, attract, and engage more clients

Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 9, 2012 2:28 AM

A 5 Step Plan for Getting Results From Email Marketing

A 5 Step Plan for Getting Results From Email Marketing | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it

Josh Turner wrote a good article about email marketing. Here are my comments I posted onto this blog article:

I'm a little confused by your blog post. You criticize the person sending out a weekly email blast on "LinkedIn stuff", but then I read your list and 80% is about "Linkedin stuff". Is it that you send an email blast less frequently than the other "expert"?

Also, you infer a level of irritation at the other emailer for sending you something once a week focused on a topic dear to you. However, you don't talk about your "frequency". I'm not sure I really get what they are sharing that irritates you vs. the content you share. I would like to understand in your email plan or social media communication how frequency plays a role.

Here's my perspective on email based on doing email marketing for the last 20 years:

Most professional B2B prospects and customers (never been on the B2C side so I cannot speak to it fairly) will only tolerate one email - especially if it's "marketing/sales oriented" every 3-4 weeks. Anything more frequent and they grow weary of your overwhelming persistence and flood of information. However, the same low tolerance for receiving information doesn't seem to be as big of a problem through social media - so I "supplement" my email marketing with social media communication to my network.

I post daily or every other day into LinkedIn Groups I moderate depending on the volume of activity and size of the group. I post a total of about 5-6 articles a day into these various LinkedIn Groups - these appear as notifications in my feed on LinkedIn to my connections. I have a large network on LinkedIn - over 5000 so it can tolerate about 5-6 status updates in my feed spread through out the day. I also try to log into LinkedIn 3-4 times a day and take a couple of minutes to review my connections' "sharing" updates - posting likes and comments when appropriate - maybe I'll do 8-10 of these a day.

I post about 1 twitter message an hour. These are all automated using 2-3 different tools and pull from the thousands of pieces of curated content I have and previous blog postings. I have a large stable twitter following and I've found it can tolerate that level of messaging - no link or article repeats itself in my automation over a 90-120 day period (except my job postings of once a day)

I try to post 2-3 public google+ shares a day and 5-6 into specific circles daily.

Finally, I send to specific tag groups on LinkedIn a short note about something very useful to them every two weeks. I have 5-6 core tag groups segmented by their specific interests.

I find making the content I am sharing very specific to the interests of my segmented groups/connections AND not overwhelming them with a flood of information and content helps reduce the "churn" of people listening or following you.

I would really like to hear your thoughts - perhaps some of your readers thoughts too - on this issue of frequency around email combined with social media communication.

Thanks for allowing me to be long winded.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors

Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?

If you're a Vistage/TEC Speaker - Consultant - Coach - Trusted Advisor, join our LInkedIn Discussion Group to learn how to find, attract, and engage more clients

Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 8, 2012 3:10 PM

How I Built a New Network with LinkedIn

How I Built a New Network with LinkedIn | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it

Great key points of leveraging LinkedIn to build a network and then engage with that network. The author mentions that one of the keys is being diligent about connecting with people.

Anyone can quickly (that's relative - let's say 12-24 months) build a strong network on LinkedIn capable of driving abundant referrals. If this is possible, why don't more professionals do it?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs

Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 29, 2013 2:41 PM

Do You Offer Excuses and Explanations for NOT Networking?

Do You Offer Excuses and Explanations for NOT Networking? | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

How effective are you at networking? What role it play in your everyday interactions? How much time do your carve out of your schedule on a weekly basis to network at a strategic level?

Good article that lays out the reasons or objections many managers and executives have regarding networking when they are not in an active job search. Do you claim one of these excuses and explanations as your own?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media


Join our private blog for Vistage/TEC Members on HOW TO Leverage Social Media




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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
May 9, 2013 8:35 PM

How Some Banks Ace LinkedIn

How Some Banks Ace LinkedIn | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Which financial institutions get LinkedIn? Jennifer Grazel, the social media network s global head of category development for financial services, offers up several examples.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

If you're a chair seeking to build relationships and ultimately obtain referrals from TAs who are providing services to CEOs. Here's a perfect example of an article you could share with your banker/financial services TAs that would add value to them.

You could make them aware of the article by providing a link and a short paragraph or two regarding your insight and experience using LinkedIn as a prospecting and engagement tool.

I'm demonstrating this element of "content curation/marketing" with you in order to provide an example of how you could use it with your network.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
February 11, 2013 11:27 PM

Do You Have An Effective LinkedIn Headline?

Do You Have An Effective LinkedIn Headline? | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Many people now understand that LinkedIn is an important social media tool for business. There are many different elements that make up your profile. One of those elements that is critical and often disregarded is the headline.
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Do you use your job title in your headline? Talk about boring? Anyone can see from your profile what your last job title was?

I'm talking about 8-12 words that grab folks looking at your profile. A short statement where your prospects immediately think: WOW - I want to be connected to Barry.

Remember this is not a bureaucratic and compliant presentation of your resume. It's a marketing platform. Why do you think LinkedIn calls it a "headline" instead of a job title?

Who has the most compelling, fascinating, and captivating headline in your peer group? Is there a lesson to be learned? Have you looked at the headlines of your peers that are regurgitations of their job titles?

Is it time for a headline makeover?

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs


Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
January 6, 2013 7:52 PM

5 Ways To Improve Your Company’s Presence On LinkedIn

5 Ways To Improve Your Company’s Presence On LinkedIn | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Most of us spend significantly more time working on our personal LinkedIn profiles than we do on our company pages—and that’s a shame. According to research
Barry Deutsch's insight:

Linkedin can be a powerful tool for employee referrals, business developmen/sales, marketing, and lead generation. To effectively start showing results for each of these areas, one of the first steps is to improve your company's presence on LinkedIn.

This article talks about 5 key ways to enhance, develop, and improve your company's awareness, brand, and image on LinkedIn.

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media


Join our private blog for Vistage/TEC Members on HOW TO Leverage Social Media




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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 27, 2012 1:57 PM

10 Resolutions for Networking on LinkedIn

10 Resolutions for Networking on LinkedIn | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The author of this blog article does a great job suggesting a few key things you should resolve to focus on this coming year in leveraging the power of LinkedIn for recruiting, networking, sales, marketing, and lead generation.

I particularly like the suggestion to become active in specific groups and become a "magnet" for your thought-leadership, answers, and questions. Become ACTIVE. Social Media is not a passive undertaking.

As I've said before, setting up accounts and collecting names is a useless activity by itselt. The whole idea is to engage with others, help others, be useful to your network, and to stay top-of-mind with your prospects.

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching how to drive Sales Through Social Media


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 24, 2012 9:04 PM

Using LinkedIn for Prospecting and Lead Generation - Business 2 Community

Using LinkedIn for Prospecting and Lead Generation - Business 2 Community | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Business 2 Community Using LinkedIn for Prospecting and Lead Generation Business 2 Community So to kick off a new series on how to effectively grow your business with LinkedIn, we'll examine how to use LinkedIn to make prospecting and lead...
Barry Deutsch's insight:

The prevailing attitude among most sales professionals is that LinkedIn is a job hunting tool. As the author of this article indicates, that is one of the core capabilities of LinkedIn.

However, a bigger and potentially greater value of LinkedIn is for lead generation and lead nurturing. There is no better tool available to "target" your prospects, engage in swarming your connections to get an introduction, finding people/companies interested in your services, and engaging through content marketing and education with that network.

Have you moved beyond thinking of LinkedIn as nothing more than a job search tool?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching how to drive Sales Through Social Media


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 24, 2012 7:54 PM

The Top 3 Tips to Using LinkedIn for Sales

The Top 3 Tips to Using LinkedIn for Sales | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
With over 135 million users on LinkedIn, it is critical that you maximize LinkedIn for sales. These 3 tips will show you how today!
Barry Deutsch's insight:

These could be among the top mistakes that sales professionals, speakers, consultants, coaches, and personal service firms make in using LinkedIn as a sales or lead generation tool.

Lack of completing a profile and optimizing the profile

Lack of connecting, networking, and interacting with other group members

Lack of engaging in conversations in the groups

It's completely useless to get a LinkedIn account and then be passive.

Are you passive or active on LinkedIn?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching how to drive Sales Through Social Media


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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 7, 2012 11:02 PM

The Dumbest Excuse SMBs Use to Avoid Blogging

The Dumbest Excuse SMBs Use to Avoid Blogging | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
SMB owners and managers often rattle off myriad excuses about why they don't blog. The worst excuse is not having enough time. Here's why that excuse doesn't fly.

Do you have a business blog to educate and train your customers or clients?

Are you making excuses why you should not yet start a business blog?

Are you unsure of where to even begin to get it going and how to sustain a business blogging effort for your small business?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching Vistage/TEC Companies HOW TO drive Sales Through Social Media

Join our private blog for Vistage/TEC Members on HOW TO Leverage Social Media


Not a Vistage or TEC Member, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media



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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
December 4, 2012 1:00 PM

6 Basics for Using LinkedIn to Sell

6 Basics for Using LinkedIn to Sell | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Tweet Who Are These People Anyway? Are you getting LinkedIn requests from people you don’t know?

Alice Heiman is one of the top experts on leveraging LinkedIn for sales teams to find, attract, and engage with potential clients and customers.

In this blog post, she offers some good ideas for using LinkedIn as a sales/marketing platform vs. a resume/cv background.

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 19, 2012 10:25 PM

LinkedIn Training For Sales: 7 Reasons Why You Need It

LinkedIn Training For Sales: 7 Reasons Why You Need It | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Here's 7 reasons why companies that have yet to incorporate LinkedIn training for sales have dropped the ball on an incredible tool for lead generation.

Melanie Dodaro does a great job laying out the key reasons sales teams should master LinkedIn. The value, efficiency, effectiveness is dramatically understated. I'm amazed at how much more productive I am using LinkedIn to drive leads and opportunities along a sales path than when I didn't have this tool.

Why do your sales people fight using it? Does doing something new scare them? Are they afraid of change? I can't think of a single reason a sales professional selling a B2C product or service wouldn't want to master using LinkedIn. Imagine that by leveraging LinkedIn tools you could raise individual sales rep performance by at least 25% - would it be worth training them?

Barry Deutsch

Master Coach for Teaching how to drive Sales Through Social Media

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Learn how to leverage social media for sales.

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 9, 2012 2:44 AM

How Real Estate Brokers Can Get Big Results With LinkedIn | LinkedSelling

How Real Estate Brokers Can Get Big Results With LinkedIn | LinkedSelling | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it

Josh Turner - one of the top experts on leveraging LinkedIn - wrote in a blog post about the value of creating your own LinkedIn Discussion Group. Here's my comments I posted on his blog:

Excellent recommendation to build a group that meets the needs of your niche, whether that be for an executive recruiter making accounting placements in Garden Grove, CA -- OR -- a real estate broker in Louisville, KY.

Establishing my own group has lead to tremendous branding, pr, thought leadership, trust, and direct business.

Great suggestion - I'm surprised more professionals don't do this.

Maybe I shouldn't be since it requires hard work to attract members, sustain a rich dialogue, and engage continually with the members offering high value content and advice.

As a speaker, consultant, coach, or trusted advisor - this could turn out to be your greatest marketing accomplishment and sales lead generator - having your own group that you moderate of people interested in your thought leadership.  It's a captive audience!

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Speakers and Trusted Advisors

Are you reading our Blog on How to Attract and Engage with Potential Clients Through Social Media Blog?

If you're a Vistage/TEC Speaker - Consultant - Coach - Trusted Advisor, join our LInkedIn Discussion Group to learn how to find, attract, and engage more clients

Not a Vistage or TEC Speaker or Trusted Advisor, then be sure to visit our public blog on how to drive sales through social media, AND/OR our open discussion group on LinkedIn, Sales Through Social Media

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Scooped by Barry Deutsch
November 9, 2012 1:51 AM

Linked Strategies - Your LinkedIn Profile vs. your LinkedIn Presence

Linked Strategies - Your LinkedIn Profile vs. your LinkedIn Presence | Leveraging LinkedIn for Success | Scoop.it
Your LinkedIn profile is your point of access on the site. It is an electronic document warehousing your current professional information, showcasing your career history and highlighting your skill sets.

I love this phrase JD uses called an impelling profile - suggesting motion - I always suggest a compelling headline and profile - impelling just sounds so much better.

I agree with JD that the real compliment is when someone says "you're everywhere" or "I see your name and stuff all over the internet - whereever I go".

Barry Deutsch

Social Media Coach to Vistage and TEC Chairs

Are you reading our dedicated Chair blog to learn how to create an abundance of CEO referrals?

Ivo Nový's comment, November 9, 2012 3:13 PM
Interesting article. Thank you Barry, i.