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Barry Deutsch
onto Leveraging LinkedIn for Success June 7, 2013 1:44 AM
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Anne Egros's comment,
June 17, 2013 9:48 AM
David, you are right in the virtual world and in curating in particular you can see clearly the people who support you by quoting or sharing your sources rather than just go to the article and take credit for discovering it :-) Thanks David for being supportive !
Anne Egros's curator insight,
June 17, 2013 9:55 AM
I think I am a generous person but I am fed up with people sending me canned linkedin messages. I need to know why people want to connect with me and take the effort to articulate it in a personalized message. |
Here's an article about LinkedIn aimed at fleet owners and folks in the niche of selling freight services. Could LinkedIn be relevant for sales professionals in this line of business - you bet.
The author states:
"Say something: Every sales rep should develop a personal, content-driven lead-generation program. By “content” I mean good ideas. Create and participate in industry chat rooms. Write a blog. Source and distribute timely magazine articles. Build credibility in the transportation community by sharing your insights with customers, suppliers, and, yes, even your competitors."
Linkedin provides a great platform for leveraging ideas, thought leadership, engagement, and discussion - all in one place. If folks in the freight business can be successful with it - how those in the swimming pool business, law firms, fire protection, OEM aerospace sub-components. Every B2B company can make great use of leveraging LinkedIn.
Sadly, very few are getting on this bandwagon even though the barriers are low and the costs are almost non-existent. Why such a resistance to putting your toe in the water? In face of overwhelming evidence, case studies, stories, and successes - you're still on the sideline waiting.
Waiting for what? Waiting for your competitors to jump ahead of you and leave you in the dust? Waiting for the perfect moment to start?
I'm confused over the lack of LinkedIn training, use, and leverage among sales teams. Somebody help me out!